Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just quickly

It's been very busy around here lately, sick kids, sick me etc so I have been neglecting my blog. Sorry about that. I have however been working on my sister's quilt! I am 3/4s of the way through sewing the binding to the top and then I will need to handstitch the binding to the back...then it's done. I'm hoping tomorrow I can hire some family movies and spend some time on the couch sewing. If not I will hire some girly movies and do it on Friday when H and Le are at daycare.
Oh speaking of daycare, we had dropped back to one day due to finances being tight for a while and we got a letter from them "Double your care for free for up to 8 weeks"! Awesome timing! So they are booked in for Mondays as well now!!! Isn't that just the best news? The poor buggers are just getting so bored as I am so tired and drained. Hopefully this will give me a decent break to spend my energy on them the other days!
I have also almost finished a pair of Wiggles pj pants for Levi. I made a pair for H and managed to fit a pair for Levi on the material too. AND I have 2 pictures to applique onto some tops once I find some and work out where I put my visofix (spelling?) cos I REALLY don't have any idea.

Off to bed I go! Night.

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