Monday, January 7, 2008

Train ride!

Hunter loves trains. Every time we pass one he yells out "See srain?" Srain obviously being train!

Yesterday I took Hunter and Levi on a train to Melbourne to meet a lady from EB Cheeks (Angela) and her gorgeous son Adam. Gosh he's tiny- especially compared to my monster Levi!! It was so nice to get out of the house and sit in the sun and enjoy talking to an adult! Hunter had an absolute ball at the playground and Levi was enjoying eating all the bark and sand.

I don't know that I will attempt the trains again with a pram on Sunday. Plus waiting for an hour cos I just missed the train back to Geelong was a bit cr@p. But... both boys slept overnight for 12 hours so how can I complain??

On Wednesday I will have my doctor's appointment to find out when my c/s will be scheduled. Funny, this pregnancy seems to have flown by. I can't believe I am 30 weeks in 2 days! Scary!

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