So the sheets have been sent out, I hope you have all received them!!
I have been busy, not as much sewing as I would like. I just can't seem to find the balance at the moment. That may have something to do with how tired I am! Bloody first trimester. Oh well it's hopefully over now! (Not sure on dates *blush* far too busy to keep track of that stuff. lol!)
I finished Raife's monkey quilt but haven't managed a decent picture so you will have to wait for that one.
I did however blog finish the guys flanelette jammies for Christmas Eve. Tradition being that the night before Christmas they get a present to open with pj's and a new Christmas book.
I have been making thank you gifts for my gorgeous friends that helped with the wedding
some aprons (excuse the lamp being the model!)
a business card holder and key fob
I also made my PIFs and posted them off
and I joined in on a Christmas ornament swap, here is what I received from Miss Muggins.
I don't think I took a photo of what I made and I can't see one on the recipient's blog, but it was cu-ute!
Anyway back soon to show more bits and pieces.